Vision, Mission, Values
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17
To live all of life to the glory of God.
We partner with families as they disciple and equip their children to better know, enjoy, and glorify God with all of their lives. We provide an education that is both Christian and classical, with the pursuit of wisdom and virtue at the forefront.
Education, at its essence, is about the development of a soul. It is the shaping and ordering of the affections of the heart. The starting place for this process is the acknowledgment that Christ is Lord of all. Belief in that grand truth then guides us in how we think, what we love, and how we live. In pursuit of an education that upholds this belief, we hold to the following values:
The centrality of God’s truth in all things.
The Gospel of Christ, for its power unto salvation and in the life of a Christian.
The Lordship of Christ over all things.
The Bible as the ultimate authority for life and godliness.
Cultivating wisdom and virtue through a classical Christian liberal arts education.
The pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.
An education that shapes the habits of heart, mind, and soul.
A rigorous curriculum that builds a biblical worldview and enables students to engage with and resist worldly philosophies.
Partnering with parents in the training of children to the glory of the Lord.
Student behavior that reflects decorum, discipline, respect, studiousness, and virtue.
The truth that children can achieve a higher standard of academic success and maintain a higher standard of behavior than is commonly believed in our culture today.
Teaching children to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.
A school culture that promotes and fosters biblical virtues.
An atmosphere marked by love, order, reverence, and warmth.
An environment that is protected from the vicissitudes of the world system and the cultural trends that distract and entice.
Fostering discipleship and modeling of the Christian life.