Portrait of a Graduate

Coram Deo Academy endeavors to be a school that cultivates graduates who possess a deep and abiding faith in Christ, who view the world through the lens of Scripture, and who are equipped to engage the world for the glory of God. As we motivate our students to a life of godliness, wisdom, and virtue, we keep these themes at the forefront, and we use them as we construct our curriculum, engage in our teaching, and foster our school culture.    

Coram Deo Academy’s success is not measured by looking at test scores, grades, or college admissions. These are important and are a byproduct of excellent academic instruction, but they are not pre-eminent. The ultimate measure of our success is whether our graduates maintain a life-long covenantal relationship with Christ that impacts all areas of life. Do they make their faith their own and then live it out in a way that brings glory to God?

We will graduate young men and women who:

Possess a deep and abiding faith in Christ.

Have a genuine love of the Lord and for others.

Demonstrate a steadfastness of faith.

Possess a knowledge and understanding of their faith.

Display humility in all aspects of life.

Have a heart of service.

Exhibit virtuous conduct.

Joyfully submit to the Lordship of Christ.

Show gratitude in all circumstances and towards all people.  

View the world through the lens of Scripture.

Love what is objectively true, good, and beautiful..

Believe that absolute moral truth exists, has been revealed in the Bible, and is applicable to our lives today. 

Discern and stand fast against the deceit and appeal of worldly philosophies. 

Have the ability to evaluate life circumstances through a biblical lens and effectively apply biblical wisdom and prudence.

Are equipped to engage the world for the glory of God.

Be able to give a defense of their faith.

Possess a lifelong love of learning and a desire for deeper understanding of God’s truth.

Be truthful, articulate, charitable, and courageous while engaging with the culture.

Weigh competing claims well and rightly, practicing logical and rational judgment in complex or difficult situations.

Write and speak well, and persuasively when necessary.

Possess the social and interpersonal skills to feel comfortable in any circumstance, and with all types of people.

Have a passion for the lost and the boldness to proclaim the gospel.

Persevere in their calling, even if difficult or costly.